The Yale of Beaufort is uniquely characterised by its animalistic attributes, taking an overall form reminiscent of a goat or antelope yet bearing boar-like tusks and a gold-spotted coat. Perhaps most impressive of all, the Yale prominently features a large set of axial horns ornately adorning its crown.
The Yale can be traced back to Henry VII and his mother, Lady Margaret Beaufort – the matriarch of the Tudor dynasty. The Yale has been faithfully reimagined by Royal Mint designer Jody Clark, whose captivating depiction of the mythical beast makes its way on to a one ounce platinum bullion coin.
The 2020 design features the Yale standing proudly atop the historic Beaufort portcullis, prominently displaying its magnificent horns, spotted coat and imposing tusks. The stunning features of the Yale are backed by a secure chainmail background texture, providing a fitting backdrop for this impressive beast.